Philippians 3:1

Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not grievous, but for you it is safe.

The word “finally” does not mean that the things he writes are sort of an add-on to the truths he has already taught. This adds a practical dimension to the teaching about having the mind of Christ. A spiritual mind can understand what is wrong as well as what is right. This mind is maintained to the degree we find our joy in the Lord, not in people or “things” around us. Nine times in this chapter Paul mentions “things.” Some are good and some are bad. It is important for our daily living as a Christian to, first of all, heartily rejoice in the Lord no matter what the circumstances are in which we are found. So in spite of the things around us, some things have to be said.

Some things need to be said again,
We often forget things learned when we begin
To add to our knowledge things more profound,
And opportunities for learning more are all around,
Waiting and calling for my immediate attention,
And I have a tendency to forget the impact of things when first mentioned,
That turned on the light of understanding and truth –
And those fundamental things still are of invaluable worth.

I wish to remember my first joy in the Lord
And go back to the beginning and love of the Word
Which seems simple now, but then brought great light
And has impacted me since every day of my life.
Things that are basic never should grow old.
Things that bring change should often be told.
Ways to please God should oft be renewed,
That I might rejoice again in the blessings He showed.

Over and over is a very good way to teach.
Repetition of truth very often will reach
The hearts and minds of others – including mine
Of the things written in scripture, there’s always more to find
That will impact my life and help me to live –
And also will provide me with a lot more to give
To those I connect with in the course of my labor,
Giving much more light as I tell of my Savior.

“In Thy great wisdom, O God, Thou hast given the same information over and over again. Whether in types and shadows, or messages and illustrations – I know it is right to commit myself to repetition. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.”

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