Psalm 1
Two Men – Two Ways

Psalm one is like a template to the whole book of Psalms. It is descriptive of two difference lives, one righteous and the other ungodly. By beginning the book of Psalms with the word “Blessed,” the joys of obeying God are lifted high before our minds and hearts right in the first word. What the blessed man does and refuses to do brings a beatitude on that person, a word of congratulation as it were, in relation to his future, because of his righteous walk in the way the Lord opens before him.

He does not walk in the path sinners choose. That path of rebellion leads to destruction, but the path of faith and obedience leads to blessing. The righteous man does not stand and find his pleasure where sinners do. His wisdom does not come from the ungodly, nor does his pleasure come from the activity of sinners. He avoids sitting in association with the skeptics and those who mock God and the godly.

“The law of the Lord” is the way our Lord is revealed to the people of God. The scriptures of truth are a special delight to a righteous person because they are continually unfolding truth before him. He knows what God wants from him and for him. He learns from His law and His word what brings pleasure to our God and how we can actually do that as an expression of our love and gratitude. To a child of God who loves the Lord, His law is not a legalistic burden, but is a joy to our soul and a guide to our daily living.

Our contact with unbelievers is to lift them out of the mire of sin and bring them from darkness to light. We do need to keep contact with them with love and compassion as a witness for our Lord, but not join in with them in worldly or sinful practices, nor should we imitate what is acceptable to the world. It is our calling and joy to demonstrate what life is like to one who God has saved and made His son or daughter. Our friendship and fellowship are to be with the people of God.

The more we meditate and think about that which we enjoy, the more delight we have in the God of our salvation, and the experience of our salvation. We think about and practice it in the day, and find comfort and rest in the law of the Lord on our bed at night.

The nourishment from God’s word is like water to a growing tree that rises up into and through the tree from its source. It defies the pull of gravity towards earth and the tree is nourished and becomes fruitful as it draws nutrients from the ground and the water distributes it to the appropriate places in the tree. When that watered tree brings water up into the heat and light of day, fruit develops and the result is that it blesses others.

To prosper does not mean we will not have difficulties or fail in some way. It does not mean we have a guarantee of health, and wealth – or even happiness for that matter. But it does mean that what we do will be worthwhile and will have divine approval, and that is what is important. The word of God in the hearts of His people makes it normal practice to walk in the path of righteousness, and to conduct our lives in godliness before our Lord, and righteousness before people.

The ungodly are described in stark contrast. Instead of fruitfulness, there is only chaff. Chaff is useless. Animals won’t eat it because there is nothing in the empty shell. When the kernel of grain is removed from the husk, the chaff is not only empty but it is lightweight, unstable and able to be blown away by the slightest breeze of wind. It is blown along by the wind until it is brought up against some immovable object where it falls to the ground and rots.

The ungodly will not have a place to stand in the judgment to come, nor will they have any place in the kingdom of God. The two ways that before us lie, lead to two different destinations. The Lord knows and cares for the righteous. He also knows the end of the ungodly.

Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Perfect Righteous Man, and is introduced as the “Blessed Man” right at the beginning of the book of Psalms. That being said, how wonderful it is for believers who can say, “Christ is our life,” “For me to live is Christ,” “Christ is our example, that [we] should follow His steps.” It is within the area of our responsibility, to choose the way of the righteous, not the way of the ungodly.


Psalm 1-41, the first of the five books of Psalms. This book of Psalms is concerning man.

Psalms 1-8 “Man” and “The Son of Man.” [8:4]
Psalms 9-15 “The man of the earth.” The antichrist [10:18]
Psalms 16-41 “The Man Christ Jesus”

Psalm 1 – Seven things true of the blessed man.

1. Walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly.
2. Standeth not in the way of sinners.
3. Sitteth not in the seat of the scornful.
4. Delight is in the law of the Lord.
5. Meditates therein.
6. Like a well-planted tree – restful and fruitful.
7. Prosperous – true of the Lord Jesus, Isa.52:13.

The Godly Life:

Verse 1

No compromise with evil: “Blessed”- happiness many times over because of the uncompromising purity of a righteous walk with God. He loves the Word of God; he loves fellowship with the Lord; he is guided by the Spirit of God.


Walk — counsel – ungodly: casual motions of wickedness; flirting with ungodliness.
Stand – path – sinners: marked out path; certain; precise; taking a stand.
Sit – seat – scoffers: permanently settling down.

Lot is an example of this erosion: Gen.13:11 – “journeyed eastward.” 13:12-13 – “pitched his tent toward Sodom”; 19:1 – “sitting in the gate of Sodom.”

Verse 2

The godly person delights in the Lord’s Word. It is not a burden or an interruption. It is his meditation. Ps.119:97. “O how I love Thy law. It is my meditation all the day.” Josh.1:8. “Make thy way prosperous.”
“But” – a word of contrast; positive; no erosion.
“Law” – an absolute standard; clear direction.
v.1 – promise of happiness.
v.2 – means for experiencing happiness.
v.3 – results.

Verse 3

Be something rather than do something; no fanfare.
“Planted” – fortified, stable, rooted, solid, strong. Never –failing supply of nourishment and refreshment.
“Fruitful” – production the natural result. Displays the graces of the Spirit in word and action.
“Not withered” – even during difficulty. Spiritual life is not up and down but continuous .
“Prosperous” – fulfills the goals God has designed.

The ungodly Life:

Verse 4

The way of the ungodly: permissiveness; impurity.
“Not so” – not well-planted; fruitful, enduring nor prosperous. Lack body of substance; unstable; blown away; no leg to stand on.
“Not happy”; no delight nor meditation on the Word of God; not like a tree; not fruitful.
“Chaff” – husks; useless material.

Verse 5

“Therefore”: “not stand” (stand erect; arise) in the presence of God nor in the assembly of the righteous.

Verse 6

“The Lord”: He does the judging; the ungodly will perish.


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