Philippians 4:5

5 Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.

We do not have to retaliate against those who may be unfair to us because the Lord is near. We do not need to demand our rights when we think we are being mistreated. A “sweet reasonableness” is not a compromise but a virtue. The is value in prayer so we need to pray about everything. We can talk to our heavenly Father at any time about anything. What we do with our burdens is up to us. Rather than fuss or fret over things, we can pray about the things that bother us. Then we turn everything over to God instead of worrying about them to no profit.

Consideration of others, seeking to understand why their life is different from us,
Is an act of moderation and forbearance that will enable them to be willing to trust
Words that we say and things that we do that at first might be hard to take –
But later they will know with some gentle words, we do this for their own sake.

The Lord is beside us, He is not far away, every response that I make He sees.
With consideration and moderation it is our Savior first that we must seek to please.
Our fellowship with others is promoted and enhanced when they know we love them –
Moderation is evidence that we are not extreme, we serve in view of His coming.

“Father God, I am wondering just how soon the time will be when the Lord Jesus will come to take us from this world to be with Him. I know Thou art longsuffering and people need salvation. As we preach the Gospel here help us to keep an eye on the sky for the Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.”

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