Philippians 4:22
Those Who Are Here

22 All the saints salute you, chiefly they that are of Caesar’s household.

When we are in fellowship with God, there will be words and songs of praise to Him for who He is and what He provides. Believers who are united will find great joy in knowing about believers living for God in other places. All Christians everywhere are brothers and sisters in Christ. Unity, humility, joy and peace are all results of minds that are focused on Christ. The Gospel that has penetrated to the hard places like Caesar’s household is the power of God. That Gospel has been committed to us. This tender-hearted letter came from one who knew his purpose for living and patterned that after his Lord. There is a price for holy living, but the power to do it is given through our Lord Jesus Christ.

We know each other here well enough to speak
For those who have similar interests and the welfare seek
Of those who are at a distance we very seldom see
But know they have interests just the same as we.

When I send greetings they will often say,
“Give them my greetings, and tell them we pray
For their well-being and usefulness for God”
What more encouraging words could they say.

If we received letters with similar comments in them
The joy such greetings give escape words of this pen
To know there is genuine interest in the work I do
Is motivation enough to see the task through.

Those that are here have deep interest in those abroad
They continue as intercessors before the throne of God
When opportunities arise to connect with you
They want to encourage you in everything you do.

Some here are older but daily make it a point
To ask for and pass on prayer request we want
To act upon the behalf of those who are in need
Those here know how intercessors plead.

So be encouraged today wherever your daily labor
Takes you to, perhaps you would consider
There are those who are here who choose not to forget
The needs of those away until they know they’re met.

“I thank Thee Father, for putting such positive interest in the hearts of these older saints. They find satisfaction in hearing of answers to their prayers, though they never met the people for whom they intercede. Give them a portion for themselves, I pray, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.”

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