When we are in fellowship with God, there will be words and songs of praise to Him for who He is and what He provides. Believers who are united will find great joy in knowing about believers living for God in other places. All Christians everywhere are brothers and sisters in Christ. Unity, humility, joy and peace are all results of minds that are focused on Christ. The Gospel that has penetrated to the hard places like Caesar’s household is the power of God. That Gospel has been committed to us. This tender-hearted letter came from one who knew his purpose for living and patterned that after his Lord. There is a price for holy living, but the power to do it is given through our Lord Jesus Christ.
The website GaiusGoff.com was built to display Gaius Goff’s writing project of a devotional walk through the Bible, titled Listening & Learning. On the website you’ll also find audio recordings.
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