There is a tendency on the part of most people to hoard money because it is the main way adults measure security. We also measure our energy by how much we earn, and have a sense of self-worth because of the money we claim for ourselves. To give money away with no visible evidence of return on the investment, puts us at risk we seem to think. That is because we measure its value by the world’s standards. The Philippians had learned the value of giving to God by giving to His servant in their early days as Christians, and they continues the practice. This was a tangible expression of their love for the servant of the Lord who brought them the Gospel. This letter from Paul must have blessed them when they heard it read. Both the giver and receiver are blessed when we give what we have to the Lord.
The website was built to display Gaius Goff’s writing project of a devotional walk through the Bible, titled Listening & Learning. On the website you’ll also find audio recordings.
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