Philippians 4:18
Of Fragrance And Sacrifice

18 But I have all, and abound: I am full, having received of Epaphroditus the things which were sent from you, an odour of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, wellpleasing to God.

No two other things could hardly compete with these
To bring pleasure to the heart of God
The fragrance from within and the sacrifice to please
And the legal claims revealed in His Word
Put them both together, one seen and the other unseen
And the purpose of the gifts has been achieved
The fragrance of holy worship and the sacrifice of giving
Is a blessing to God from those who in Him believe.

The one in need is full; the one who carried the gift
And the one who from his store gave unto God
All have in different ways given back what was really His
And each one was privileged to share the load
The joy that comes from giving and the joy in meaningful labor
All stir in the heart words of praise and adoration
To our God and Father, and our Lord and Savior
For the grace and love that provided our salvation.

The angels can rejoice when a sinner has repented
The laborers in the field give thanks for saving souls
The ones who gave come together and are all contented
The labor to provide what was needed was worth the toil
God is glorified as His laborers bring into the kingdom
Those who in highways and byways once to God were lost
In the future like sheaves of harvest, He has plans to bring them
To glory with Him, there to be part of the heavenly host.

“Father God, what glory will there be when plowers and planters, waterers and reapers all join together as one band and tell of Thy grace to them and through them. Truly this is a foretaste of the “exceeding riches” of Thy grace. Accept my praise I ask, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.”

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