Philippians 4:17
Fruit That May Abound

17 Not because I desire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to your account.

Our power for living comes from Christ who gives us the strength to accomplish the “all things” He allows or directs for us. He gives the needed grace for the necessary tasks He gives us. The needed financial support for Paul came to him in prison and he was allowed to accomplish the work assigned to him in the situation in which he was found. When God supplies our needs through human instrumentality, that deserves our expressions of appreciation and acknowledgement. Money came from the Philippians to Paul on more than one occasion and he let them know he appreciated their gifts.

Everything we do has some consequential effect
The results may not be seen here only in one day
We miss out on blessings if for some reason we neglect
To help our brothers and sisters in their journey on the way.

To lend assistance isn’t just for their present need
Although that might be the reason we first gave
The hand that reaches out to help, also we will receive
Fruit from God who gave us everything we have.

When we are a channel for God to use for His supply
He considers it as a gift we gave, though it came from Him
By being faithful stewards, we will by and by
Reap spiritual dividends from giving unto them.

When we seek others’ welfare and assist in their promotion
We become sharers in the blessings they receive
By this means there is enhanced a spirit of love and devotion
That multiplies the value of the gift that we once gave.

The results of such interest and care in giving that is shown
Is that treasure laid up in heaven is increased
The one who received the gift from your fellowship is known
And you who gave, both now can sleep in peace

He received the gift from God who gave it to him first
And blessing came to the one who gave it first to him
Now from him it goes to quench another’s thirst
And fruit abounds in the lives of all the three of them.

God must look on and smile at the development of grace
As givers and receivers are all benefited
He knows this means He planned helps them live by faith
For the future service in His kingdom, they now are filled.

“O God of all provision: I marvel at the spiritual benefits coming from this design of Thine for the support of others. Everything came from Thee at the beginning. At every step Thy bounty makes, there is blessing to the receiver who then becomes a giver. This kind of fruit has lasting flavor. I praise Thee in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.”

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