A review of the basics is never out of order because we are influenced to a degree, by those things and people around us whether we realize it or not. There were Judaizers who came to Philippi urging the new believers to keep the traditions and practices of the Jewish religion. Some people inadvertently mislead others and there are others who deliberately seek to mislead the Lord’s people. In this case they were called “dogs” referring to their character, “evil” as to their conduct, and with a touch of sarcasm, Paul uses a take-off to the word “circumcision” by writing the word “concision” as to their creed. These are examples of those whom we are to avoid.
The website GaiusGoff.com was built to display Gaius Goff’s writing project of a devotional walk through the Bible, titled Listening & Learning. On the website you’ll also find audio recordings.
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