When our focus is on Christ as Paul’s was, we can be an example to others as he was. He obeyed heaven’s laws and knew heaven’s language. He was loyal to heaven’s cause and he knew his record was in heaven. It was heaven’s Lord who was his Lord, and he was looking for Him to come. These are characteristics of those who follow the path of those godly servants like Paul who have gone on before us. There is a great contrast between Paul and those who were enemies of the cross of Christ. There are those who claim to be Christians who are false professors. They are not called enemies of the blood of Christ. Nor are they called enemies of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ which is the Gospel. But they are enemies of “the cross of Christ.” The cross is our identification with Christ personally from day to day. There is shame and reproach to the cross that is not popular even among Christians. Not many are willing to suffer what Paul did in his life for the sake of the cross. He wrote, “God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Christ was truly his Lord and that is the position He holds in our lives. He is our Lord.
The website GaiusGoff.com was built to display Gaius Goff’s writing project of a devotional walk through the Bible, titled Listening & Learning. On the website you’ll also find audio recordings.
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