Paul had one aim before him. He wanted to be the man God wanted him to be in order to attain that supreme prize of a “Well done, good and faithful servant.” What greater aim is there than that for one who loves the Lord. His one ambition was that in this race he would keep that in view in spite of all that would happen to him. He did not let the memories of the past change his direction nor his determination. It is important that we leave behind everything that would hinder us from fulfilling the privileges and responsibilities of our Christian calling. In the same way runners train for the race by focusing their attention and energy on the race before them, so we need to constantly remind ourselves that this race we are in as Christians is not designed to be easy.
The website was built to display Gaius Goff’s writing project of a devotional walk through the Bible, titled Listening & Learning. On the website you’ll also find audio recordings.
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