Philippians 3:11
Resurrection Of The Dead

11 If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead.

Uncertainty may be there as to how one will die
Or if the Rapture takes place before death happens.
We don’t have death’s key – One greater than I
Has designed my life to fit His own pattern
More important than my death is the assurance of life
I know the resurrection is a fact
When God chooses, whether in day or in night
Resurrection is sure – the way of death is just the first act.

How I meet God – whether by a slow process or fast
Of this I am positively assured
Resurrection comes, and death, when it has passed
Gives way to God’s resurrection power
So how one dies isn’t cause for deep concern
God allows it in a way to bring Him glory
My body will be raised and when to it the soul returns
Then we’ll understand more of life’s story.

It is enough for me now to be sure of resurrection
The time and manner is all in God’s hands
I am humbled to know when I received salvation
I became part of God’s infinite plan
It is not with uncertainty or any kind of doubt
That I am not able to fully explain
The day or the hour when the Lord gives a shout
And the Church is raised to meet Him.

It affects me today in several ways
My conduct and practice is in view
Of the coming resurrection when on that remarkable day
All the ties to the earth we will eschew
The purifying effect is that in deed and thought
My attention is directed to Him
Who opened doors to new life when with His blood He bought
A bride and gave His own life to them.

“Father God: this day is another to be used in Thy service. Already I have been considering this may be the day Thou hast chosen for the Lord to come for us. I am humbled before Thee to consider that I am part of that resurrection already. Accept my thanks, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.”

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