This begins the practical section of Philippians as Paul evaluates himself and others as an accountant would sum up figures to determine profit or loss. There are warnings given for the benefit of the believers against false teachers, against self-righteousness in themselves, against thinking we attain absolute perfection by our efforts and against false professions in some who claim themselves to be Christians. This is a call to me to determine what kind of Christian I really am. To rejoice in the Lord I must find my joy in Him, not in myself, my religious heritage or the works I do in the service of the Lord. The circumstances of life may give brief times of rejoicing, but rejoicing in the Lord in this present life is related to my spiritual condition. This can be maintained by the discipline I impose on myself and the commitments I make. Then I will be rejoicing in Christ Jesus not only in service now but in anticipation of the future.
The website was built to display Gaius Goff’s writing project of a devotional walk through the Bible, titled Listening & Learning. On the website you’ll also find audio recordings.
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