Philippians 2:9
The Exaltation Of Christ

9 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:

As a result God has highly exalted Him. He is the supreme Sovereign of the universe. God was fully satisfied, and He has honored the Lord Jesus Christ above all. Ultimately every being will bow in honor to Him and acknowledge Him as Lord supreme above every other being. We are not called upon to have the mind of Christ that we might be equal to Him, but that we might understand the worth of others in God’s eyes. The life of Christ has been left for us to read about and use for an example in our lives. His life is the pattern for our life. When we commit ourselves to serve God by serving others, God is satisfied, Christ is honored and exalted among the people. Humility doesn’t claim a prize for itself but does desire blessing for others. When that is true the mind of Christ is demonstrated in each individual and also in the gathered assembly of His people.

There are heights we can perceive, but He is higher still.
No one, nor all together, can this position fill.
Before He came to earth, He the universe had made.
Every mighty star and galaxy; every grass’s blade
Was made and is maintained by His almighty power;
Every desert storm that happens, every leafy bower
Declares with voiceless testimony, He is very high –
Yet higher still will He be exalted in the by and by.

Voluntarily humbled while on earth where He came to die
That we through Him might be brought to God and raised with Him on high.
That act of condescension has brought many sons to God:
Each one a new creation and each one owning Him Lord.
Each one appreciating forgiveness and God’s amazing grace
Each one has trusted Christ alone and by Him live by faith
Each one even now expressing their appreciation
Each one forever praising God for His great salvation.

The Lord Jesus has ascended now up to heaven above.
More high and lofty than ever and the object there of love
Of millions of saints who still living down here below
Testify of Him and to each successive generation show,
The reality of the risen Christ, though He is yet unseen –
But daily lived out through believers who now live between
His first coming when His deity was in flesh concealed,
And His coming appearance in glory when His deity is revealed.

“Holy God, who told Joseph His name was “Jesus:” I thank Thee for that name which shall be spoken in a coming day with highest reverence and awe by every voice that can speak a word. To me the name of Jesus is sweet and spoken with a sense of joy because I know Him and love to hear Him well spoken of. I offer praise now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.”

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