He was sent home carefully by Paul and was to be received joyfully. Such people deserve to be trusted respectfully. It is right for us to honor those who do what we can’t do, or go where we can’t go. In Epaphroditus’ service he was unreserved. That kind of person will give their lives for the sake of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the kind of person who will work for God in all kinds of weather. He served with dignity, labored faithfully and represented the interests of others gladly. Paul did not look at the sickness of Epaphroditus with uncaring eyes or dismiss it as something unimportant. These examples of those who had the mind of Christ are given so that we will not look carelessly or with indifference on our calling.
The website GaiusGoff.com was built to display Gaius Goff’s writing project of a devotional walk through the Bible, titled Listening & Learning. On the website you’ll also find audio recordings.
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