Philippians 2:23
What’s The News?

23 Him therefore I hope to send presently, so soon as I shall see how it will go with me.

He had learned from his mentor the value of a soul and the uniqueness of the Lord people. He was able to be counted to do what was right in this situation for these people. His faith was unfeigned, and his love was genuine. His thought about things and people in the same way Paul did, and he also had the mind of Christ. He was an example of those who shine as lights in the world. Each one was a very different person and so was Epaphroditus. Yet each was a servant of God and each one showed divine light in their own calling and way.

As a servant Timothy had unselfish concern for the saints. He was looking out for the interests of others. He had been trained as a son is trained by his father, by Paul. Now there was no question as to whether his judgment could be counted on. He was no fly-by-night. He was trustworthy. When there are issues to be faced and problems that need to be solved, we need those who have a shepherd’s heart of compassion. We need those who can be whole-heartedly counted on to care for the people and at the same time does not compromise truth and leave undone what has to be done, and unsaid what has to be said.

He is trustworthy, so will give a true report.
He is faithful so will not cut it short
Only telling the things people want to hear –
But that doesn’t help when you’re asking for prayer.
So the whole story must be told, both the good and the bad;
Even the parts that make all the listeners sad –
For life is lived often in difficult situations,
And the bearer of news needs to tell all the complications.

He is a servant in the true sense of the word,
Doing what he does always as unto the Lord.
He knows firsthand what has been taking place,
For he made it a point to get the news face to face.
What he had to say you can count on as true;
He always gets the full message before he is through.
He has been involved in the issue right from the start –
And you can rest assured what he tells you is from his heart.

Don’t misunderstand me, he is not a tale-bearer.
Just one who knows the value of a “carer” and a “pray-er.”
His objective is that all might get the big picture
Of the problems that are happening and the results that issue
Forth from the conclusion of this present-day matter –
And hopefully all who hear will appeal to our heavenly Father
To send aide or even a miracle to bring a conclusion
To the cause of this news that is bringing such confusion.

“O God and Father: the weakness is obvious, and death is the only result I can see unless Thy divine intervention brings a change. Both the death of a friend and the death of an assembly bring sadness. But I can trust with full confidence and say, “The will of the Lord be done.” In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.”

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