There are a number of characteristics is in the mind of Christ that the Spirit of God has listed here. He gave up His rights as God in heaven to do the will of God on earth. The attitude He showed is given so we will look for opportunities to do the will of God on behalf of others rather than our expectations as to what others will do for us. He was, is, and always will be the eternal Son of God. He did not ever stop being who He was, but added to that perfect humanity when He came to earth. He subjected Himself to human limitations in order to provide the redemption we needed. There is a principle here for practical Christian living. We need to have the attitude of laying aside our own rights in order to serve others. So in the fellowship of the Spirit we are to stand fast and exercise love in the Spirit. There is another presence, another Person, in our lives. It is through Him we can remain unified with others.
The website was built to display Gaius Goff’s writing project of a devotional walk through the Bible, titled Listening & Learning. On the website you’ll also find audio recordings.
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