Philippians 2:16
Holding Forth The Word Of Life

16 Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.

I have seen the Statue of Liberty,
Holding a torch high in her hand.
I have seen statues of men on horses
In towns all across our land –
With guns or swords in hand reminding us
Of long-ago battles fought.
But God intends me to hold forth His Word,
Telling others what He has wrought.

One man alone doesn’t connect with many,
Compared to all the people around.
But when there are many with the Word in their hands,
God’s work then can through them mightily abound.
We must continue to hold that Word very high
That that those who see us maintain it consistently
Will realize God’s salvation to them is nigh,
Presented by those with the Word living faithfully.

When an assembly is working in unity and love,
This is a power beyond the organizing of men.
Oneness of heart and mind not many people have,
And it is the joy of spiritual fathers to see their children
Carrying on a work begun in opposition and pressure,
Following in their steps to bring others to God;
With enthusiasm and vigor that others can’t measure,
But it is obvious to all they are holding forth God’s Word.

“O Father of lights, the shining of Thy Word in the dark places of this earth is bringing understanding and light to the hearts of many. May all of Thy people be brought to realize the importance of what they do when they hold forth the Word of life to those that are dying and going into everlasting night. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.”

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