Philippians 2:15
Shining Lights

15 That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;

We “hold forth” something that can be seen. The life and light of truth are the words of life that goes forth and will bring joy at the return of the Lord. Paul considered his life as a sacrifice to God on behalf of the saints. He is an example of one who has the mind of Christ. As far as he was concerned, he was like the drink offering in the Old Testament that was poured out over the burnt offering and meal offering. It was only seen when it was being poured out and then it disappeared into the offerings that speak of Christ. A life lived as a sacrifice brings praise to God and directs honor and glory to the Lord. There is great value in the life of an assembly and the individuals that compose it when God is honored among us and is glorified by all of our actions, both of testimony and fellowship.

It looks like a lamp – all the parts are there
But obviously something is missing.
A lamp has no use in the darkness where
Light has to shine – darkness dismissing.
The world I live in is a very dark place,
People have no light to guide –
Except for reflected light revealing God’s grace
In the lives of the believers alongside.

It is important that we be harmless and without blame,
That men may still easily see the standard
Of righteousness is here though maybe not a big flame;
It doesn’t depend on our grandeurs.
To look and act like our heavenly Father,
Are true witnesses that our God still cares
About what happens on earth for He would rather
Men have the eternal life the Godhead shares.

We have been left with this charge to live as lights
Like lighthouses shining on a stormy sea.
Men will find direction from a trustworthy life
That will reflect what they really want to be.
One light alone makes not much difference,
But put a lot of lights in one place together –
And the shining of many makes spiritual luminescence
With blessings that will last forever.

“Father God, this assembly was one time only a group of five or six. Uncle William Brown was no doubt discouraged at times. Now the 75 or so here do have a testimony and an impact that is larger than the building on the corner. I thank Thee for it, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.”

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