Philippians 2:13
It Is God

13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.

There is a solution that may escape us at first but God knows what it is. So He is working in us to do what He wants. The salvation of an assembly from immaturity to maturity may take awhile, but God is the One who gives us the desire and power do move forward. We are not left without guidance but we need to commit ourselves to do what is revealed to us as His will. The mind of Christ motivates us to want to do God’s will and do it so the work of the salvation of the assembly is not halted nor hindered in any way. It needs to be worked out to completion or else growth is stopped that affects the assembly believers and also the testimony of the assembly to the world around.

We need to be on guard in relation to ourselves as believers in an assembly. Complaining and arguing accomplishes nothing. It is well for us to first judge ourselves in the presence of God. Perceived insults, being overlooked or not consulted the way we thought we should, needs to be carefully thought about. Analyze unkind words to see why they were spoken and whether they were really meant to be unkind. Criticism is hard to take but needs to be evaluated as to whether it was meant to be a help or a hindrance. A lot of times things are said on the spur of the moment because of an unexpected problem. It is better for us if any of these things come against us to not retaliate in haste but keep on doing what we do for the Lord without complaining and getting into an argument. There is usually no need to try to justify ourselves or to have a conflict to get our own way.

When the mind conceives a thought that has blessing as its aim –
It is God who brings that thought.
When you find delight looking over a valley, mountain or plain –
It is God reminding us what He wrought.

When you start the day out right rejoicing in the light –
It is God who made the sun to rule the day.
When with thanks you close your eyes sleeping in the night –
It is God who gives rest along the way.

When you see that new-born child and watch the little smile
It is God who gave life in it to spring.
When a person first sees the light after struggling in sin for awhile –
It is God who eternal life does bring.

When you hear the praises rise from the saints into the skies
It is God who put the song into their hearts.
When one opens up God’s Word and reveals truths to mind’s eye –
It is God who revealed truth right from the start.

When the Spirit reveals the Lord so it brings warmth in my soul –
It is God who is working deep inside of me.
When I can start to see as God and discern my real role –
It is God who lets me see as He can see.

When contentedly living in peace enjoying the fruits of redeeming grace –
It is God who makes this contentment last.
When resting from our labor and praying in expectant faith –
It is God who makes all good come to pass.

“Father, don’t give up on me nor ever let me take any of Thy blessing for granted. Whether giving rest and food; health and strength, or enabling me to speak to the people – keep impressing on me that Thou art working out Thy will through me. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.”

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