There are positive results when the Lord’s people have the mind of Christ and show that in practical ways. Christianity is not just a philosophy and doctrine relating to Christ and the church, but it is a lifestyle that represents our Lord Jesus Christ in this world. To do that God establishes local assemblies of believers as visible evidence of His presence and interest people. In an assembly we obey in a practical, visible way what the mind of Christ instills in believers spiritually. Each assembly is responsible to deal with local conditions and/or problems in a way that is suitable to the needs and condition. In Philippi the need was evident in two women who had labored in the Gospel and for some reason did not like each other, or at least couldn’t get along with each other. That kind of situation has to be faced and dealt with because it has the potential of dividing the Lord’s people.
The website was built to display Gaius Goff’s writing project of a devotional walk through the Bible, titled Listening & Learning. On the website you’ll also find audio recordings.
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