Believers who share in common their lives with other saints, are interested in the well-being and blessing of others. We can’t help this. It is part of the new nature we have been given by God. There is family feeling toward those God saved and with whom we have fellowship. There is the fellowship of life we have with any believer we meet that gives us joy to know God is working in grace all over the world. There is also the fellowship of light we have with those believers who are committed to the word of God and the practices of a scripturally gathered assembly. Paul was looking for growth in the believers at Philippi. His prayer for abounding love in them was not for the emotional attraction of people toward each other that is continually changing. The reference to love is the love of God that has been “shed abroad” in our hearts. The development of love to its fullest extent is the desire of Paul, the servant of Jesus Christ, for the believers. When something is abounding it keeps growing.
The website was built to display Gaius Goff’s writing project of a devotional walk through the Bible, titled Listening & Learning. On the website you’ll also find audio recordings.
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