Philippians 1:3
Every Remembrance

3 I thank my God upon every remembrance of you,

How do we show our gratitude for our brothers and sisters when their names come before us and our hearts are moved to express in some way what they mean to us?

We cultivate remembrance by counting our blessings in our association with them. We think back and we remember how God has led us to know each other. We communicate verbally in some way as we consider what God is doing presently in His people who we love in the Lord. We remember divine promises in relation to our future together with our Lord, and how He will be glorified in His people in the eternal future.

We remember fellow believers as those whose life in Christ give us a commonality even though we are different and have different responsibilities in life and in the kingdom of God. There is a constraining love in our hearts toward our brothers and sisters whose warmth and affection is genuine and unmistakable. Our life in Christ and our love in Christ gives us a sense of gladness – real joy – when we hear the names of those believers we have met or of whom we have heard. They have been objects of our intercession and thanksgiving.

Paul was thankful when he remembered the Philippian believers, not only because of their reception of the Gospel message he brought to them, but also for their support of the on-going ministry of the Gospel in which he was engaged. Thanksgiving is a very important part of our prayer life.

I go back to earliest recollections
And find reasons to give thanks.
Praying parents, open Bibles – reflection
Directs me to give thanks.
Gathering to worship, pray and preach – instruction
Reminds me to give God thanks.
Fellowship with those of precious faith – communion
And I am compelled to give thanks.

For over 50 years working in the Gospel – preaching
For souls saved I give God thanks.
New believers coming to learn spiritual things – teaching
For hearts and minds open to God I give thanks.
New villages and towns and cities beckoned – outreaching
Doors opened to us remarkably and I give thanks.
Sitting down together in many places and countries – worshipping
All of us as one giving God thanks.

For a wife and family joined in the Lord – unity
For life shared in every way I give thanks.
Assurance given that the work we do is worth the effort – surety
For loneliness and her adaptability I give thanks.
Living an unusual life-style willingly – compatibility
For miles traveled without complaint I give thanks.
For her enduring embarrassment and humor with integrity
I give God thanks upon every remembrance.

“Heavenly Father, I thank Thee for putting in my life people who in spite of my ways, still love me. May I never take any of them for granted. May I be able to be of some benefit to them. I give Thee thanks for them, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.”

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