Philippians 1:27
Your Conduct

27 Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ: that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel;

It is important that we resist anything that would divide God’s people. There are some attempts to divide that come from without, but most that divides the saints comes from within the fellowship of the assembly. It is not right for us to demand everything to be done my way. The judgment of others should be considered and cooperation should be maintained as long as truth is not compromised or overlooked. A strong united testimony is based on scriptural, settled and solemn convictions. A humble united spirit on the part of each believer enables the evangelist to preach the Gospel confidently. That also enables the teacher, shepherd, minister and every believer to be an effective part of the local fellowship.

I am being observed though I may never know –
Each daily incident, each act I do shows –
In some way or another, my conduct exposes
What is really important to me – my choices
Make it impossible for me to hide what is real.
The faith of the Gospel has never lost its appeal,
Not just to me but to the whole gathered company
Meeting together in fellowship each Sunday
To proclaim with clear voice what is so important –
For in the Gospel of Christ, He alone is prominent.

Some think it’s not needed; they know they are saved.
They find it enough to enjoy and rest on the way –
Content to let others come to them with questions to ask,
And then they believe they’ll be up to the task –
Of giving an explanation as to why they are different –
Not realizing the value of believers acting with one spirit
Exemplifying by their conduct their manner of life;
The value of a soul; their love for God; the price –
Of redemption when Christ gave His life on the tree,
That those bound by sin can forever be free.

My conduct when alone may not have much of an impact.
When with my family, it may teach my children how to act.
When with my wife, it reveals plainly how I feel –
And she knows when I’m faking it and when I am real.
When with unsaved people, they know what I think about God.
With the believers they’ll know whether I honor Jesus as Lord.
When my conduct is one way but my attitude is another –
My pretense is known by my heavenly Father.
So a lesson in conduct is to continually be,
Living in a manner so others the Gospel will see.

“Father, there is a manner in which my life is more private and isolated than it used to be when I was younger. Am I doing right by not being out in the public as much as I once was? Should I be making a greater effort to be going about town in order to interact with more people or should I continue to spend time the way I do? I ask this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.”

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