Philippians 1:17
The Defense of the Gospel

17 But the other of love, knowing that I am set for the defence of the gospel.

Love shows its power in many ways –
Not just in the words a preacher says –
But in the expressions upon his face.
And the words are spoken with holy grace –
Body language and to tone of voice –
A certain dignity and inherent poise
All affect the way listeners respond
To the Gospel when to it they act upon.

The message is the same however it is preached
The purpose of the message is that sinners we might reach
And bring an action of genuine repentance
As they consider the danger of sin’s sentence.
But also we must present the only solution –
Is trusting Christ alone for God’s salvation.
Bringing people to act in faith based on God’s Word –
And making sure they come to Jesus as Lord.

A short-cut way to make a confession
May lead some soul to a false profession
It is important that we preach with love –
But not be satisfied until we know they have
Heard the whole message of God’s salvation;
It is on this basis one becomes a new creation.
New life can then by the Spirit spring forth
From one who has received God’s eternal Truth.

“O God of the Gospel: let me be one of those to send out Thy light and Thy truth. Keep me from looking for, or counting, numbers of professions of faith. Use me to confirm in the faith those who are truly Thy people. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.”

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