The potential for bitterness was there when some of the believers who knew Paul was in prison began to preach the Gospel. It is not uncommon for the difficulties of one of God’s children to have an effect on other believers. The unfriendliness of some of those who preached Christ because of “envy and strife” did not make Paul bitter. We have the choice to be glad when God uses others to carry on what we have done, or to be bitter. Sometimes the backward and timid are stirred to action by the misfortune of those who have taken sick or are sidelined for some reason. When they reach out with the Gospel to new areas or follow up a work already begun, we are obviously glad. Then there are those who are restless and have “the itch to preach” and they seek to preach the Gospel even though they are not really able to do it well. It is up to us as to whether we are going to be critical or grateful that Christ is preached.
The website was built to display Gaius Goff’s writing project of a devotional walk through the Bible, titled Listening & Learning. On the website you’ll also find audio recordings.
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