The advancement of the Gospel has been on-going since the beginning of this church age. People like the apostle Paul knew the value of getting the Gospel message into cities because people from all around a city would sometime come there. The seed of the Gospel in the cities would then spread through people telling other people of the Person and work of Christ on behalf of sinners. God allows adverse things to happen to those who preach the Gospel. They will have inconveniences imposed on them; occasionally pain inflicted on them; persecution against them and just plain old ordinary annoyances because God allows them according to His overall plans. So the costs of furthering the Gospel may be opposition and rage in order that truth and salvation might prevail.
It is in such times the light of truth illuminates the Light of Life, and our Lord Jesus Christ becomes the topic of conversations. Believers will be inclined to openly testify to His grace personally shown to them. His mercy and truth will make sense in times of tension and His message of salvation will be furthered through controversy. The actions and attitudes of believers at such times are what make the Gospel real. Observers watch grace react to antagonism. They watch body language and listen to tonal expressions by which they form opinions as to how real the Gospel is to believers. Personal testimonies of saving faith and divine interventions in life and how they affect us, adds weight to what we say. The more opportunities arise, the stronger faith grows. In the past, suffering saints were gladly joined by new believers who had just come to faith in Christ. They saw reality in those who were persecuted and realized there was an eternal purpose in their lives rather than mere fleeting temporal accomplishments and pleasures.