Matthew 6


v.1. Alms – righteousness.
v.2. Hypocrite – those who do good acts for appearances only; not out of compassion; actions good; motives hollow. God rewards those who are sincere in their faith.
v.3. Motives must be pure when giving; not for some benefit in return.
v.4. Motives in three areas: generosity [6:4]; prayer [6:6]; fasting [6:18]. Acts should be God-centered, not self-centered.
v.5-6. Public prayer was one way to get attention. Prayer is private communication with God, not public style. There is a place for public prayer but if that is the only place you pray, your audience is not with God.
v.7-8. Persistent prayer is encouraged but shallow repetitions are condemned.
v.9. The first line of this model prayer is a statement of praise and a commitment to honor God’s holy name: majestic, holy, personal, loving.
v.10.God’s kingdom was announced in the covenant with Abraham. It is presently in the hearts of believers. “Thy will”– God’s perfect will to be accomplished.
v.11. God is the provider and sustainer. We trust God daily.
v.12. Those who have been forgiven need to be willing to forgive.
v.13. God allows testing time but temptation comes from Satan.
v.14-15. To deny forgiveness is to deny our common ground as sinners. Having received forgiveness, we pass it on.
v.16. Fasting gives time to pray, teaches self-discipline, lets us live with less, helps us appreciate God’s gifts.
v.17. Olive oil was a common cosmetic. Go on about your routine. Don’t make a show about it.
v.18. God is to be our witness as to what and why.
v.19. Treasures are what we think about and work for.
v.20. Treasures in heaven is seeking the fulfillment of all God’s purposes.
v.21. Where is our heart centered?
v.22-23. The person who lives for God’s interests will live a life flooded with light. If we live for both worlds then we are in darkness. If you know Christ forbids trusting earthly treasures yet you do anyway, that is intense darkness.
v.24. If possessions are becoming to important, cut back. Our loyalty will be to things that cannot fade.
v.25. Worry may [1] damage your health [2] consume your thoughts [3] disrupt your life [4] affect the way you treat others [5] may make us doubt God. Worry immobilizes; concern moves to action.

Seven Reasons not to Worry:

  1. The same God who created life in you can be trusted with the details of your life [6:25].
  2. Worry about the future hampers your efforts for today [6:26].
  3. Worrying is more harmful than helpful [6:27].
  4. God does not ignore those who depend on Him [6:28-30].
  5. Worry shows a lack of faith in, and understanding of, God [6:31-32].
  6. There are real challenges God wants us to pursue, and worry keeps us from them [6:33].
  7. Living one day at a time keeps us from being consumed with worry [6:34].

The first seven chapters of Matthew present Christ as the King, to the nation of Israel. In the next five chapters, in spite of the proofs given, the Jewish leaders had rejected the King. If Israel refused Him and His kingdom, then what happened to the kingdom? The kingdom cannot come until the nation of Israel receives the King. It is postponed to the second coming of Christ. When He came the first time He preached, “Repent; for the kingdom of God is at hand.” When He comes again, “They shall look on Him who they pierced.” Zech.12:10

The Universal kingdom refers to the fact that God rules everything and everyone. He is the Sovereign, the Creator, the Sustainer of all things. Ps.29:10; 103:19; 1Chr.29:11. The second aspect of the kingdom refers to the rule of God on earth mediated through humans. “Thy kingdom come…” Mat.6:9-10. He had the patriarchs in the Old Testament through which He rules. In the New Testament the human instrument is the Man, Christ Jesus. This kingdom has some who are outward professors but are not really Christians, and some who are genuine Christians.

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