The first temptation, v.3-4. God’s ideal of physical humanity.
- Satan suggests that God should not let Him be hungry. Jesus’ answer – De.8:1-6; Ps.119:11.
- Satan makes an organized and systematic attack upon the Man in all areas of His life.
- Satan makes an appeal to the physical nature – bread.
- He was a real man, yet even though He was Superior, He was hungry.
- Man’s humanity physically is temporary and yet man is the highest, finest and final act of God’s creation.
The second temptation, v.5-7. God’s ideal of spiritual humanity.
- Satan dares Jesus to prove one of God’s promises and misquotes Ps.91:11-12. Jesus’ answer – De.6:16.
- Satan twists scripture. Sometimes carnal Christians do the same. We must keep scripture in its context and meet the conditions laid down.
- Deliberate disobedience is an invitation for chastening.
- Satan makes an appeal to the spiritual nature – trust in God.
- The spiritual man is conscious of God.
- The spiritual man seeks to know the will of God.
- The spiritual man is submissive to spiritual order.
- The spiritual man yields to God’s law.
- Spirituality is supreme and abiding over the physical.
The third temptation, v.8-10. God’s ideal for a servant.
- Satan is the prince of this world [Jn.14:30] and is permitted to have a certain amount of control.
- The kingdoms of this world are promised to Christ [Ps.2:6-9] but He had to die on the cross to gain this kingdom. Satan was trying to tempt Him away from the cross. Jesus’ answer – De.6:13.
- Satan makes an appeal to the secular nature (vocational) – kingdoms of the world.
- God’s Servant was born to serve.
- Service follows our worship.
- Temptation attacks the service (vocational) part of His life.
- An imperfect being cannot demand our loyalty. He could not bow down to the devil nor can we.
- We cannot bow down to anything other than perfection.
- If we worship God, we live for Him and obey Him. We worship who we serve.
- There was nothing in Him that would respond to evil.
- Even when standing in His virtue there was the infirmity of hunger.
- Infirmity is not sin. Hunger is a sign of weakened strength and the need of sustenance.
- Hunger is not wrong; bread is not improper, but He would not act independently of the Father’s will (His Word).
- He didn’t do anything spectacular when tempted.
- He had a passion to complete His service.
- He always answered the temptation as a Man, not as Deity.
- His victory was as a Man with God.
- His victory was as a Man for man.
The King is undefeated in His personal life, His character and His service.
The last Adam:
- The first Adam was tempted in a beautiful garden; the last Adam (Christ) in a lonely wilderness.
- The first Adam was tempted when he was at his best; the last Adam (Christ) when He was hungry.
- The first Adam was the king of the old creation; the last Adam (Christ) is the King of a New creation [2Cor.5:17].
- The first Adam sinned and lost dominion [Heb.2:6-9]; the last Adam (Christ) obeyed and regained what was lost [Rom.5:12-21].
- The first Adam was defeated and brought death; the last Adam (Christ) was victorious and brought life.
The Son of David:
- David and Christ were both from Bethlehem.
- David and Christ were both chosen and anointed by God.
- David and Christ were both exiles and persecuted before being crowned.
- David and Israel dealt with Goliath for 40 days. Christ dealt with Satan for 40 days.
- David used 1 stone out of 5. Christ used 1 book (Deuteronomy) out of 5 (Pentatuch).
- David defeated the strong man Goliath. Christ defeated the strong Satan [Mat.12:22-30].
The Angels:
- Announced Jesus’ birth.
- Reassured Joseph.
- Made Jesus’ name known.
- Announced Jesus’ birth to the shepherds.
- Protected Jesus by sending His family to Egypt.
- Ministered to Him after His temptation.
- Ministered to Him in Gethsemane.
There is a one-year gap between verse 11 and verse 12. Some of the events during this time are recorded in John’s Gospel…
- Jesus was in the area where He was baptized for at least three days following.
- The first group of disciples is identified.
- The miracle in Cana of Galilee took place.
- The first cleansing of the temple took place as an official presentation of the King.
- The meeting with Nicodemus took place.
- John continued baptizing and Jesus (through His disciples) baptized also.
- John’s arrest introduced His official ministry as King.
- Capernaum had often been overrun by Assyrians and was considered on the fringe of things and not a good place to live (the shadow of death).
- The Lord moves to be with the despised and helpless people in the region of death and darkness that the scripture would be fulfilled.
- The light of love and truth came into that dark place.
- Darkness was in the hearts.
SELECTED MEN, v.18-22.
- He called four men to service and work.
- His call came with simplicity. It was not hard to understand.
- He used them in the capacity they had developed before He called them (“fishers”).
- These called men answered “straightway”.
- The honorable thing to do when called by the Lord is to obey the Lord.
- Stay doing what you are doing (nets) until the Lord calls.
- He went everywhere teaching, preaching and healing.
- Teaching: His concern for their understanding.
- Preaching: His concern for their commitment.
- Healing: His concern for their wholeness.
- His fame went throughout Syria.
- They brought unto Him – people with problems.
- He healed them.
- There followed Him great multitudes.