The plans had been laid before the foundation of the world. The place had been identified where He should be born. The event had come to pass and Messiah was here. The time was near for Him to step onto the public scene. But before that, the way has to be prepared – and John was God’s man. He was the man who was named before he was born. He was the man whose birth defied common sense. He was the man, who when he was an unborn child, recognized the Lord Jesus for who He was. He was sent from God.
When John came preaching: his message was truth for the mind. It was a proclamation that the time had come; it was at hand, that God has opened another page of divine dealings with man. His message was conviction for the will. Repent, for the kingdom is at hand. A change must take place in every person for God knows the heart of every one. His message was compassion for the heart. Prepare ye the way of the Lord. Get ready for God to step into the scene of human events.
John’s message condemned sin; contained promises and changed lives. God’s great prophet established the divine right of the One to be revealed as the Messiah- King. His prophet opened that door to the nation of Israel to receive Him.
He who was the Object of Abraham’s faith; the Lion of the tribe of Juda; the Royal Seed of David – steps out into public view. And the voice of the prophet cries, “Behold, the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” He steps into the waters of Jordan and is identified as one of Israel’s sons. He comes to His own to lead them into a kingdom so unique that they missed it and denied the divine right that was His.
Creation with its sheltering mantel opens up – God is going to testify. Right from the highest heaven comes evidence – God is going to reveal. A dove encompassing the Spirit of God makes the invisible real – God is here. The voice above all voices is heard and divine right is established from the Highest possible Source – God speaks. He truly is the Messiah, the Anointed One, the Savior-King is here.