Matthew 11:25-26

25 At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes. 26 Even so, Father: for so it seemed good in thy sight.

The future’s not bright, it is hidden from sight
To those who seem so wise.
But to children of the day, on the heavenly way,
What’s ahead is clear to our eyes.

When the Lord was here, it was made very clear
He was truly the Son of God.
So it seems strange to me, that others thought that He
Wasn’t the Messiah God had foretold.

Even John the Baptist, when he heard of all Christ did
Said, “Are You He, or look we for another?”
He was undecided, because many, Christ derided,
Though He knew Christ, when he was in his mother.

All the people gathered round, and their fickle voices sound,
Like children playing games of death and marriage.
They were unresponsive, wanting only things that He gave,
Though blind and the poor believed the message.

In all the cities there, where His mighty works declare
He really is who He has claimed to be.
With an unreasonable bent; they refused to repent,
And the consequences they have yet to see.

As Jesus prayed the Father, He knew there was no other
Way to reach the prudent and the wise.
But with simple faith in Him, the simple will go in,
While the skeptics and unbelievers all will die.

“O God of the simple and babes: I am glad that faith isn’t some complicated idea that goes beyond the reach of most people. We who are simple can get the message of the Gospel clearly, yet so many educated people seem to think they are nearly gods themselves. Have mercy on this lost generation, and in some way let those who are honestly looking, find Christ. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.”

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