Matthew 1:18

18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.

Born – how could it possibly be the “Eternal” had a birth?
He who fills the universe and whose footstool is the earth?
Omnipresent – He is unlimited, not bound by time or space,
And yet, a manger in a little town was Jehovah’s resting place.

Born – a unique Son, God’s “love-gift” through a virgin mother;
The woman’s seed and the Holy Ghost brought the “Light” from God the Father.
Omnipotent – He “self-limited” His power to be found in fashion as a man,
Yet He healed the sick and lame by virtue of His all-powerful hand.

Born – a Man among men, learning from those He taught
When His suffering made our “Captain” understanding of those He sought.
Omniscient – He who knew all, the Source and Maintainer of all things
Experienced the cross, the suffering and pain in order to salvation bring.

“O God of all grace, the “Amazing Grace” of the Lord Jesus Christ is always in my mind as I think of the fact that “though He was rich yet for your sake He became poor” – for my sake. I praise Thee for such condescending grace, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.”

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