Ephesians 6:18
Praying and Watching

18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

An ambassador in bonds is not common. Usually ambassadors are protected from imprisonment. Opposition against the Gospel and the supremacy of our Lord Jesus Christ over every other power, makes those who oppose so angry that they will imprison those who want to be a blessing to them. We aren’t alone or abandoned. We need to let other brothers and sisters know what God is doing and what Satan is doing. The nature of the church is such that if one suffers all suffer. There is great value in unity regardless of the difference in people. Unity and diversity go together. The value of words of encouragement and love are needed by every believer and each of us needs to remember that fact.

Prayer’s an appeal, perhaps an urgent request.
It’s a desire for God to answer and bless
The supplicant’s heart when God knows what is best;
And just what to do that will give to him rest.
When life’s storms arise and we’re in deep distress;
The throne of grace is open when life’s problems press;
Keeps us from joy when we seem so depressed –
But God’s there to answer with answers of peace.

We make our petitions which we really feel,
Are right and consistent with God’s holy will.
So to Him who can hear and also reveal,
To us what is needed before we appeal;
We speak to Him plainly that he will now heal,
Or make right the wrongs that to us are so real.
With strong supplications, we bow down and kneel;
Before God who has promised and with His Spirit did seal.

The Spirit’s the One who makes all of this happen.
It is He who laid on our heart this blessed burden.
He presses us into the place of affliction,
So that we in turn would earnestly petition
Our Father above, for the lost of this nation:
For the kings and authorities who need God’s salvation.
So we will pray on in earnest supplication;
And then trust in Him in each situation.

Waiting is the hardest, the answers seem slow;
We sometime in prayer let our anxiety show.
But it spite of all that, I really do know;
That God has His plans that need time to grow
To full development. So watching I go,
And each task before me God Himself does control;
Until the watching gives way to the light in my soul;
Assuring and blessing because that God’s own role.

I must look at others whose needs are so great;
So many dear brothers and sisters of late
Are being brought down by the physical weight,
Of trying to cope with disasters the world calls “fate.”
But I know the difference, the Master may wait,
Until men have tried every scheme on their plate,
And then He steps in – answers the prayers of the saints,
And blessings will follow on God’s chosen date.

“My gracious heavenly Father: many times I have prayed and many times answers came in ways I least expected. I don’t want to appear to dictate to Thee anything in my prayer life. I just want to truly be in the way of Thy blessed will. Amen.”

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