Ephesians 6:19-20
An Ambassador in Bonds

19 And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel, 20 For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.

Peace comes when there is reconciliation. The Lord made peace between us and God through the blood of His cross. Peace between saints comes when we recognize the worth of diversity in keeping the unity of the Spirit in an assembly in the bond of peace. Peace in families comes when attempts at reconciliation are successful. Faith is true reliance on God to bring to pass those things that we may not see or know yet. But we trust God who knows all things. Grace is the living actions of those who are genuinely interested in the well-being of others. Love to our Lord Jesus Christ cannot be faked but will be evident and obvious when it is sincere. This whole book of Ephesians lifts us above the common place and lets us see what is happening in this age and at this particular time through the eyes of God. That will give us the understanding of how blessed we are to be seated with Christ in the heavenlies; how important it is for us to walk worthy of our calling and how urgent it is that we stand in loyalty when attacks are being made to get us to surrender our faith.

In chains for kingdom reasons high, he sits in dungeon deep and dark.
He speaks to those who do come by to hear, to listen and to think
Of truth, of Christ, of facts before unknown, unheard of.
Two disparate groups so far apart and yet so much in common
That to those who observe from distant parts, it is a mystery.

To be explained it must be clear that mystery unfolds to watching, waiting souls.
Now in the infinite design of wisdom that only can be divine, come answers.
Answers that unfold the fact that Jews and Gentiles both alike are one.
One in Christ by virtue of the cross-slain Lamb, who gave Himself voluntarily.
The Gospel then comes clear to all – one in Christ, one body in the Lord.

Far away as words are read to anxious waiting listeners sitting in convocation holy;
The words are there for all to hear, Christ’s ambassador has wants as well.
He needs the intercession, the throne of grace to hear the words of all who pray for him.
For boldness in a place unholy and yet blessed by the unseen presence of the Master.
He waits and speaks and opens his mouth as befits an ambassador in bonds.

One and another come and take their place to guard the prisoner unarmed.
Except for prayers from far away and Spirit near, and words of God own truth,
There is no reason to fear the prisoner meek and hidden far behind the prison bars.
But truth unleashed set guards who come to wonder and to learn from him;
The Way, the Truth, the Life becomes the real and living Savior – and they’re free.

The prayers of saints so far away unhindered by miles, cultures, waters and language too,
Gives power to words spoken by one behind the prison walls, yet set free,
As those who from his lips have heard God’s voice and in repentance, faith, and hope;
Have taken the new life God gave and spread its news far and wide wherever they did go.
The ambassador and those who prayed share alike in God’s own joy – and glory.

“I am impressed tonight, O prayer hearing and prayer answering God, that the prayers of intercession made by many over the years have been the reason, so much has been done that has no explanation apart from God’s divine intervention in answer to the request of faithful servants everywhere. I bow in grateful thanks, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.”

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