Ephesians 6:17
Salvation and the Word of God

17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

Praying in the Spirit is where the power for victory comes. There is divine authority when the Holy Spirit responds to the requests of the saints. We are able to avoid surprise attacks when we pray always; when we are in conscious, constant communication with God. Praying in the Spirit is not a selfish way of prayer. It is submitting to the will of God in each situation when we are always praying with all prayer. Appropriate praying knows when supplication, intercession or thanksgiving is the right prayer for the moment of need. Watching in prayer seems like our eyes should be open to use our common sense as well as our senses. That will help keep us from stopping our praying because our concern will be genuine. Prayer should be our habitual response to every situation. When I pray for all saints not only does it help another to stand, but it also helps me as well. Prayer for others should include those in difficulty, those who preach and those who are being persecuted for the sake of the Gospel.

The first words of life to the darkened soul – awakened an interest in salvation.
The convicting words of the Bible – revealed the facts of salvation.
The awareness of the consequences of sin – made clear the need of salvation.
The lack of righteousness in my life – showed helplessness to earn salvation.
The reality of judgment to come – exposed the lack of salvation.
The light of the Gospel and the Spirit of God – brought salvation.
Personal trust in the Lord Jesus Christ alone – and God gave me salvation.

The helmet now covers the seat of the mind – salvation is mine.
The hope that now governs the affairs of life – salvation lived daily.
The seat of the intellect needs the covering of – the helmet of salvation.
The deliverance from the power of sin in the life – because of the helmet of salvation.
The present experience of the Lord’s deliverance – the helmet of salvation.
The power to resist the spirit of the age – the helmet of salvation.
Personal experience of the power of Christ in the life – gives me the joy of salvation.

And so salvation, past, present and yet to come is made clear – through the word of God.
As each incident in life arises needing an answer – we take the sword of the Spirit.
At the moment of a crisis, the right thing to do – is answered by the sword of the Spirit.
All testing times with us as with the Lord – can be answered by the word of God.
Actions needed to be taken appropriately – are directed by the sword of the Spirit.
Accurate interpretations to be applied to a need – are given by the sword of the Spirit.
Personal application of divine truth in my life – is made by the sword of the Spirit.

“I have experienced in many ways, the blessings of salvation, Father, and also the wonderful blessing of having the word of God to apply in each situation and decision in my life. I have experimentally learned that this is the only way to deal with the subtlety of the devil’s wiles – by being guarded in the mind by the helmet of salvation, and properly using the sword of the Spirit, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.”

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