Ephesians 6:14
Truth and Righteousness

14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

The helmet of salvation is to protect the mind from doubts that the devil will try to place in front of us. “Hath God said…?” is not just the words of the serpent to Eve. He uses the same tactic to deceive everyone . For some reason every generation of believers goes through the same challenge. Doctrinal correctness and the control of the mind is really a matter of choice on the part of each believer. The attractions that Satan used in the past are still being used against us. So we need to learn to be proficient with the “sword of the Spirit which is the word of God.” A sword pierces the body to bring about the defeat of an enemy. The word of God pierces the heart and can bring an end to the hardness of heart that blinds the minds of those who will not believe. Victory is sure when the word of God is used effectively as an offensive weapon to drive back the enemies of God’s people.

Veracity is the affirmation – no question about the facts.
Actuality is the authentication – no question about the acts.
Accuracy is the identification – no question as to from whence it comes.
Rightness is the qualification – no question as to what is done.

Verity finds its source in God – He who is Truth itself.
Honesty makes its home in men – he who will live it out himself.
Fact finds its place in truthful words – those who match the two as one.
Correctness takes it out to them – those who won’t stop till truth has won.

Candid, truth will ne’re deceive – it is there for all to see and view.
Frank, truth always can be believed – its lines of fact are never new.
Sincere, truth never has known guile – its face is bright and easily read.
Authentic, truth has no false smile – its basis is in written Word.

So around one’s loins, may truth be bound, the place of strength and character.
May readiness to serve be found, in each believer – warrior.
The girding of the loins and mind; essential to the life we live;
To serve our Lord with truth so clear; is the best service we can give.

Righteousness, that God-like trait, that He imparts to men like me;
Is there for all of us to take; so in our lives, others Christ might see.
It does demand a faithfulness, that so reveals the will of God.
It meets requirements to make, reality that Christ is Lord.

Right dealings with all those around, is needed to make really clear;
The fact that I am not my own, and my life’s lived for Jesus here.
The breastplate’s seen from neck to waist, it covers all the vital parts;
For it is here, if it’s not on, that Satan aims his fiery darts.

Truth and righteousness are linked, because alone each cannot work.
Truth in the life real service brings, when around the life it’s tightly girt.
Righteousness seen in public view, makes truth more than just words we say.
So put together on me, these two; gives me protection to stand each day.

“O God of Truth and Righteousness: these two character traits that so define the divine nature; in Thy grace, enable me to not just know the truth and know what is right, but to literally and continually live these out in life and service. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.”

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