The helmet of salvation is to protect the mind from doubts that the devil will try to place in front of us. “Hath God said…?” is not just the words of the serpent to Eve. He uses the same tactic to deceive everyone . For some reason every generation of believers goes through the same challenge. Doctrinal correctness and the control of the mind is really a matter of choice on the part of each believer. The attractions that Satan used in the past are still being used against us. So we need to learn to be proficient with the “sword of the Spirit which is the word of God.” A sword pierces the body to bring about the defeat of an enemy. The word of God pierces the heart and can bring an end to the hardness of heart that blinds the minds of those who will not believe. Victory is sure when the word of God is used effectively as an offensive weapon to drive back the enemies of God’s people.
The website was built to display Gaius Goff’s writing project of a devotional walk through the Bible, titled Listening & Learning. On the website you’ll also find audio recordings.
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