Ephesians 6:12

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Variety that is unified is a major theme of the epistle to the Ephesians. Home conflicts come when there is no tolerance for differences. The unifying power that is needed to bind all members together as a suit of armor forms a protective covering, is truth. Satan is the father of lies and knows that lies lead to the downfall of almost any relationship. Whether it be the husband and wife, parent and child, employer and employee relationship – when one lies to the other, a barrier of distrust is created that is very hard to cross. Truth, whether it is the truth of God or the truth told in words by us, when it is put on as a belt or girdle, it holds together that which the devil is trying to separate. Righteousness like a piece of armor that protects the vital organs of a human body, is a protection against the ungodly practices of all that opposes holy living. Integrity, honesty, ethics and values enable us to endure difficult situations we cannot avoid. The righteousness of Christ has been given to us securing our position. Righteousness of life by our choices preserves our safety in the practice of Christian living. Both of these, truth and righteousness, are needed in the “close in fighting” that seeks to defeat the children of God in their home life. Any of these areas of conflict soon find their way into assembly life and then into the body of Christ. We must commit ourselves to truth in word and deed, and to honorable, righteous living in order to be safe from satanic power.

Grasping for mastery, straining spiritual muscles – alone, yet not alone.
Within this body dwells One who makes intercession with groanings.
The opposition is above the nature of man and different than mere humanity,
Flesh and blood would make the tension and pressure fairly equal – it would be a match.

But this is not the case in this wrestling – the opposition claims its place as first –
First in importance, first in demands, first in authority – it demands priority.
Principalities want to usurp the place God has and the responsibilities He has given.
Do not walk away, do not ignore them, do not turn your back – stand!

The demand for control is on without letup. We wrestle against powers. They want you.
Powers will never be satisfied with less than absolute and complete authority.
Powers overwhelm the opposition with continuous pressure that never lets up.
But wrestle – greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. Stand!

Moral darkness is all around with its gloomy pronouncements camouflaged by lies.
There is no place to go in this world to find rest from the darkness of the age.
The rulers – the ones who lead – the ones who make the dark decisions are lined up.
These are the ones we wrestle; the ones who have the most experience – stand!

Unseen, yet all around and above is the wicked, malicious, evil from the unseen world.
The only recourse is the armor of God; the only safety is to have it all in place and fight.
Wrestle with the intellect that the mind be victorious over malicious, bitter thoughts.
Wrestle with body, soul and spirit against the pressures of unseen wickedness – stand!

Almighty God, the One and only One who can give us power to break down strong holds: the deliverance is already mine, but sometimes I am slow to claim and use the power available. My natural inclination is to try to wrestle myself without the whole armor of God. Knock some sense into me if it is necessary, and help me to wrestle with it all on rather than to strip down to just me. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.”

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